William Mackrell: Door for a day

01 February - 25 March 2017
William Mackrell, Exposed (all my possessions), 2013Exposed (all my possessions)2013152 x 239 cmsilver gelatin print
William Mackrell, Back of LuciaBack of Lucia's head201590 x 120 cmc-print on aluminium, scratched
William Mackrell, Top of my head (Supersize), 2015Top of my head (Supersize)2015114 x 176 cmc-print on aluminium, scratched
William Mackrell, Gulp (Supersize), 2016Gulp (Supersize)2016209 x 169 cmc-print, scratched on aluminium
William Mackrell, Plume, 2016Plume201637 x 30 cmc-print, scratching
William Mackrell, Moving on, 2013Moving on201325 x 20 cmCyanotype
William Mackrell, Breaking a line (Krinzinger Projekte), 2016Breaking a line (Krinzinger Projekte)2016, , neon (7)
William Mackrell, Door for a day, 2016Door for a day2016, , sound installation
William Mackrell, Going to the Gallery, 2013Going to the Gallery2013, , ink on paper and c-print (8)
William Mackrell, Going to the studio, returning from the studio, 2013Going to the studio, returning from the studio201363 x 60 cmpen on paper
William Mackrell, One must just begin, 2013One must just begin201386 x 60 cmink, pen on paper
William Mackrell, Fall (1), 2013Fall (1)201384 x 60 cmLipstick on paper
William Mackrell, Sleep (Negative), 2013Sleep (Negative)2013140 x 200 cmaction on carbon paper and Light Installation
William Mackrell, A Coming Apart, 2016A Coming Apart2016181 x 125 cmLipstick on paper
William Mackrell, Self help self (white on black), 2016Self help self (white on black)201650 x 70 cmLipstick on paper
William Mackrell, Self (white on black), 2016Self (white on black)201670 x 50 cmLipstick on paper
William Mackrell, Interruption, 2017Interruption2017, , 
William Mackrell, From tip to toe, 2017From tip to toe2017420 x 5 cmplaster and steel
William Mackrell, December 4th, 2016December 4th2016160 x 100 cmneon and steel structure
William Mackrell, Off the rails, 2013Off the rails2013324 x 150 cmHD video Video, Sound, pencil on paper